
MsgCue also (Message Cue) are scenes with which messages can be sent via different transport routes.

Add MsgCue

Right-click in the MsgCues repository area to add a new MsgCue.

Edit MsgCue Settings

Right-click on an existing MsgCue and select edit to see the settings in the settings window.


Versendet eine Textzeile über den Seriellen Anschluss des vServers.

Add CR

Adds a return (ASCII code 13 x0D) at the end of the text message. Adds a line break at the end of the text message.

Add LF

Adds a line break at the end of the text message.

Port Name, Bouderate, Data Bits, Parity, Rts Enabled, Stop Bits

Settigs for the ComPort


Encoding Text Format for the Send Message

Send Message

Text to Send

Logfile Entry

Writes a text message to a file.

Network TCP / Network UDP

Sends a text message via TCP or UDP protocol over the network.

Add CR

Adds a return (ASCII code 13 x0D) at the end of the text message. Adds a line break at the end of the text message.

Add LF

Adds a line break at the end of the text message.

Virtual Master

Sets a percentage value at a VirtualMaster.

Last updated