Version 3.0.9
⭐ Expand and Collapse selected nodes in Hierarchy window
⭐ RGB Color filter property on the light object
🪲 Duplicate and Delete can cause a crash after undo, when selecting child and parent objects
🪲 After change motor settings (f.e. invert), fixtures don't update immediately
🪲 Laser Hotspots are visible through objects
🪲 Fixtures cast their own shadows in final renders
⭐ Sequencer - Delete all empty tracks option
⭐ Sequencer - Improved Loop region
⭐ Position FX - Added Speed Rate
🪲 Double click on programmer cell to input a value
🪲 ArtNET Timecode not working
🪲 Fixed various potential sACN input issues
🪲 Sometimes not all features are shown in programmer
🪲 DMX Stream-Track ignores Mute
🪲 Crash when deleting empty selection groups
🪲 Sequencer Color-Track show color when length is 0
🪲 Fix ALC System switch off if a color block is Non-Tracking
🪲 Programmer - Clear selected cells - removes only one cell instead of all selected
🪲 PSN Tracker Settings won't be saved
🪲 Crash if no more free DMX addresses
⭐ Performance improved library search
⭐ Network Settings now has settings for Laser Input
⭐ Show fixture release date in library info field
🪲 Deleted Hardware Device reappears after project reload
🪲 Fixture replace doesn't work when updating to a newer version
🪲 Changed DMX address in fixture manager doesn't get saved
🪲 Potential issues with drag drop on programmer and schematic view
🪲 Crash with Fixture Hang Tool
Last updated