Version 3.1.6
🪲 Crash when start VR-Mode while having CAD switched to photorealistic mode
🪲 Motor - DependOnPumpSpeed option don't work anymore
🪲 Select specific input connector if more than one available
🪲 InternalInput connection on Fountain Object doesn't work
🪲 Omni-Lights don't cast fixture shadows
🪲 MassCrowd - DMX Matrix doesn't work on Wristbands
🪲 Multiselection doesn't work for DMX-Matrix changes
🪲 Beams get partially invisible when hitting the camera
🪲 K20 Lense-Rotation causes wrong lighting and artifacts
🪲 Decals don't check layer visibility
🪲 Decals don't transform correctly with parent objects
🪲 Sequencer Events with lost references can't be deleted
🪲 Schematic-View Arranger H and V do not arrange in correct order but by PatchID
🪲 Schematic-View Undo not working when arranging items
🪲 Schematic-View Graphical-Selection don't work correctly
🪲 Wrong arrangement from Selection Tool
🪲 An edited FX does not work correctly in reverse
🪲 Edit from FixtureGroupTrack or ParameterTrack will merged selected Channels from other Groups
🪲 Various RDM improvements and bug fix
🪲 Sequencer update scenes in extracted tracks will not merge new channel values
🪲 Sequencer - MouseDown on a block after zoom changes the start time
🪲 ArtNET-Timecode: Allow timecode input from the same IP
🪲 WECS Stream audio volume keeps on 80%
⭐ Schematic-View new Option on Drop Fixtures on 3D position - Center on View
⭐ Schematic-View Increased max zoom range
⭐ New Repeat option on Live-Panel Sequence button
⭐ New ALC option on Live-Panel Scene button
⭐ Allow ArtNET-Timecode input together with Vizkey
Last updated