Version 3.2.7


⭐ ArtSync support

🪲 DMX data slightly asynchron across universes (>400)


⭐ Logic I/O - New Item V-Server Emergency Stop status

⭐ Logic I/O - Operator add feature to output integer values

⭐ Logic I/O - All incoming data from vServer now visible in Realtime if Depence is muted

⭐ LivePages - New Item Display Sequence Name

🪲 Sequencer - Blocks in hidden Tracks can be selected with rect selection

🪲 Sequencer - Timecode from slave sequence wrong

🪲 RDM Read without sub devices

🪲 Timecode Offset not working correctly


🪲 Planar Reflection - perspective issue when rotated

🪲 Motor - fix endless rotation issue

Last updated